PC vs Mac… It’s a debate that never ends, and there’s some fierce opposition on both the Windows and MacOS sides! Inevitably, doing a comparison video like this will stoke the flames and draw the hateful wrath of impassioned ‘fanboys’ on both sides of the fence - but we thought what the hey.
Mac vs PC for Video Editing: Which is best for you?!. Subscribe to Primal Video weekly updates: // Learn the ULTIMATE Process for Editing Videos Faster (FREE DOWNLOAD): //// Learn how to build an audience, generate new leads on autopilot and SCALE your business with video step-by-step in our fast-track Primal Video Accelerator program! 🚀 Join the Primal Video Accelerator waitlist: 🚀 Macbook Pro vs Dell XPS for Video Editing: Final Cut Pro vs Adobe Premiere: Best Video Editor? (When available, we use affiliate links and may earn a commission!) Mac vs PC for Video Editing… Find out which is the best video editing platform for you! *** Free Guide - The Ultimate Video Editing Process! ***